Our Mission
Red River Ministries is a relational ministry directed to college students as they walk through different stages of life. Though its scope is definite, the message is far more universal. RRM is an organization that seeks to practice a ministry of presence with everyone that it comes into contact. A ministry of presence is an idea of seeking to be fully present with people and inviting God's presence into those relationships. The idea is not original; it is the very heartbeat of God and His cry from the beginning. It is to live generously, giving your life away that you might find it. It is to let the Lord make our love for one another and for all people grow and overflow so that we may love as Christ loved us. It is to make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them everything that He commanded. We believe people earnestly desire to be loved with no agenda, to be heard without fear, and to be sought after with reckless abandon. Red River Ministries foundation is set firmly on the capstone of Jesus Christ and its direction irrevocably fastened by the Holy Spirit.
Red River Ministries is a relational ministry directed to college students as they walk through different stages of life. Though its scope is definite, the message is far more universal. RRM is an organization that seeks to practice a ministry of presence with everyone that it comes into contact. A ministry of presence is an idea of seeking to be fully present with people and inviting God's presence into those relationships. The idea is not original; it is the very heartbeat of God and His cry from the beginning. It is to live generously, giving your life away that you might find it. It is to let the Lord make our love for one another and for all people grow and overflow so that we may love as Christ loved us. It is to make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them everything that He commanded. We believe people earnestly desire to be loved with no agenda, to be heard without fear, and to be sought after with reckless abandon. Red River Ministries foundation is set firmly on the capstone of Jesus Christ and its direction irrevocably fastened by the Holy Spirit.